Discovery Form

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Submitting a Discovery Form communicates you are interested in a potential partnership with New Profit and gives us baseline information about your organization. It does not mean you are submitting an application.

There are two types of Discovery Form submissions:

  • General Submission: For organizations that want to be considered for New Profit’s pipeline in general (i.e. not necessarily for a specific grantmaking cycle). These organizations may or may not meet New Profit’s current portfolio eligibility criteria. 
    On a rolling basis, New Profit uses this information to assess strategic alignment to our current investment strategies and priorities. Organizations can expect to hear from New Profit’s Investment Selection team within four weeks via email ( New Profit also uses this information to be responsive to the field by tracking trends as input for how investment strategies and priorities may need to evolve.

  • Cycle-specific Submission: For organizations interested in being considered for an upcoming or active grantmaking cycle. 
    During an active grantmaking cycle, New Profit uses this information to help assess strategic alignment to the cycle before inviting organizations to invest the time in applying. A subset of organizations are invited to complete a full application. 

If you have submitted a Discovery Form within the last 12 months or have previously applied to the Mental Health Equity or Unlocked Futures cohorts, please reach out to and we will send you a unique link to review and edit your prior submission. Otherwise, please fill out a new form for us to review. 

By submitting this Discovery Form, you consent to our practices concerning the collection and use of your information as set forth in our Privacy Policy. If you’d like, download an editable version of the Discovery Form to draft your responses. Discovery Forms must be submitted via FormAssembly by the due date for consideration.

Contact Information

We will use the information below to contact you, in addition to the Social Entrepreneur(s), about investment selection cycle(s) that are a match for your organization. 

Submission Type

New Profit does not currently have any selection cycles open -- but we will soon! You can either submit a form for General Submission now or wait until we announce our cycles later this year.

Organization Information

In this section, we would like to learn a bit about your organization.

New Profit is currently prioritizing investments in the focus areas listed above. However, we may consider other focus areas in the future.

New Profit is currently prioritizing investments with independent 501(c)(3) organizations or organizations that are fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3). However, we may consider investments with for-profit organizations in the future.

New Profit invests in organizations that operate in and primarily serve communities in the United States and it's territories.

9. What is the current reach of your organization's impact?
We define a location as a place where your model is currently driving impact and/or where its direct or indirect services are being provided. It may or may not have full-time staff dedicated to it.

If you would like to add multiple locations, please click “Add additional location.” If you have a large number of cities to list and it would be more convenient for you to keep your responses at the state-level, please feel free. 

Please only input current locations.
If you have added sites in a previous form, your entries will be filled below. Please update as necessary. If you no longer operate in one of the locations, please mark the Status as "Former". 

Financial Information

In this section, we would like to learn a bit about your organization’s finances. Please provide all dollar amounts in $USD. To be eligible for our Catalyze Portfolio, organizations must have expenses between $250K to $2M. To be eligible for our Build Portfolio, organizations must have expenses of at least $2M.

1. Please provide the start and end dates for your most recently closed fiscal year. Please use the format MM/DD/YYYY.

2. Please provide projections for your current fiscal year:
If your organization is fiscally sponsored, provide your organization's projections, not those of your fiscal sponsor.
Please input the numerical amounts with commas where necessary.
3. Please provide actuals for your most recently closed fiscal year:
If your organization is fiscally sponsored, provide your organization’s actuals, not those of your fiscal sponsor.
Please input the numerical amounts with commas where necessary.

Social Entrepreneur(s) Information

In this section, we would like to learn a bit about your organization’s Social Entrepreneur(s). Collecting demographic information helps us stay accountable to our equity goals within our portfolio.

At New Profit, we define a Social Entrepreneur (CEO, Executive Director, or equivalent title) as both the leader and final decision-maker of an organization's internal/external strategy, daily operations and financial decisions.

This form is set up to provide information on up to two CEOs/Executive Directors. If you have more than two CEOs/Executive Directors, please note that below in the "Additional CEO/Executive Director Notes."

Social Entrepreneur 1

Social Entrepreneur 2

Mission, Impact Model & Communities Served

In this section, we would like to learn a bit more about your organization’s mission, impact model, and the communities your organization serves. 

2. Core Constituents
Please tell us about your "core constituents." You can include up to four types of constituents. We define core constituents as the groups or individuals with whom your organization interacts to drive impact.  This can include program participants or systems actors you seek to influence.

Additional Information