What You Are Applying For
This application is to join a peer learning community with New Profit through a
Catalyze Cohort Investment, which supports visionary social entrepreneurs and their organizations. Our collaborative support model includes participation in a peer learning community, 1:1 adaptive leadership coaching, connection to consultations with external content experts, New Profit’s capacity-building framework and tools, and $100,000 in unrestricted support.
While each cohort of social entrepreneurs requires tailored supports to meet their unique needs, the base of our capacity-building program includes the following:
Refining impact model to advance systems change outcomes and connecting it to a compelling story of impact
Assessing organizational strengths, capabilities, and opportunities for growth
Building an effective, high-performance boards of directors
Developing equitable and results-driven practices for managing teams and stakeholders
Identifying effective practices for operational excellence in order to execute against organizational strategy (fundraising, finance, HR, and communications)
1-2 additional topics identified by cohort members as areas of support